Tax Your Car Online (UK)
In today's digital age, taxing your car or vehicle online has never been more straightforward. This guide aims to answer all your questions, ensuring you navigate the process with ease and confidence.
Can you tax a car immediately online?
Yes, you can instantly tax your car online as long as you have the necessary documents and details at hand.
Click here to tax your car or vehicle on GOV.UK
To tax your car, motorcycle, or any other vehicle, you'll need to use a reference number, which you can find from:
- Your V5C or V5C/2 (Vehicle Log Book). Please note, it must be in your name.
- You can find it on any last warning or tax reminder letters from the DVLA
- If you have just brought your car, you can find ther reference number on the green 'new keeper' slip
What's the difference between car tax, road tax and Vehicle Excise Duty (VED)?
There is no difference, they all refer to the same tax.
Vehicle Excise Duty (VED), which is more commonly known as road or car tax, is a tax imposed on vehicle owners to support road upkeep, transportation research, and public transport. The VED amount you owe depends on your vehicle's category and its fuel type.
How much will my car tax be?
The cost is determined by the tax band your car belongs to, which is based on its emission levels. Cars in band A, the lowest category, are currently not subject to any tax.
You can check which tax band your vehicle is in here.
Can you pay for car tax on a monthly basis?
Yes, if you pay by Direct Debit, you can pay monthly. You can also pay every six months or all at once.
If you decide to pay monthly or every six months, there is a 5% charge.
Other ways to tax your vehicle
Method | Details |
By Phone
Call the DLVA Vehicle Service on 0300 123 4321
This is a 24-hour service |
At a Post Office | Use the Post Office Branch Finder to find a branch that deals with vehicle tax
You are required to bring one of the following vehicle documents:
Alternatively, if you do not have any of these, you can fill out a V62 at the Post Office to apply for a new V5C. This will cost you £25. And you will need to supply:
If you claim disabled vehicle tax, you will need to bring a valid Exemption Certificate If, on your vehicle tax reminder, you are required to have GVT or PSVC, you will need to bring this along as well.You can pay via Direct Debit, Cheque, Debit Card, Credit Card, Cash or Postal Order. |
How can I check my car is taxed?
Use the government's vehicle enquiry service to determine if your car is taxed.
- Provide the registration number
- Confirm the vehicle's make and colour are correct
- The system will confirm the MOT and tax status of your car, and provide the renewal dates for these
My vehicle is off the road, do I need to tax my car?
No, you do not need to tax your vehicle.
However, you do need to let the DVLA know you're taking the vehicle off the road. For instance, if you are not driving it and are keeping it in your garage. This is called a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN).
You can inform the DVLA here.
You will need one of the following:
- The 11 digit number in your V5C
- The 16 digit number on a vehicle tax reminder - this can be received via letter, email or text message
Alternatively, call the DVLA Vehicle Service on 0300 123 4321 or sned a V890 application form to DVLA to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AR.
If you apply for a SORN, you will get a refund on any full remaining tax months. It is important that you do not use the vehicle on the road until you tax it again.